Clickhouse cap theorem. By Robert Hodges 22nd November 2020. Clickhouse cap theorem

 By Robert Hodges 22nd November 2020Clickhouse cap theorem  The pipeline need manual config of all fields

After unsuccessful attempts with Flink, we were skeptical of ClickHouse being able to keep up with. Configure a setting for a particular user. What is ClickHouse: A Revolutionary Tool for Real-Time Data Processing. ClickHouse is not a key-value store, but our results confirm that ClickHouse behaves stably under high load with different concurrency levels and it is able to serve about 4K lookups per second on MergeTree tables (when data is in filesystem cache), or up to 10K lookups using Dictionary or Join engine. Intermediate. xml". Conclusion. Comment out the following line in user. However, we want to go into more detail at this point. The data is read 'in order', column after column, from disk. Newer Post. Converting “star schema” to denormalized “flat schema”: SET max_memory_usage = 20000000000; CREATE TABLE lineorder_flat ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY (LO_ORDERDATE, LO_ORDERKEY) AS SELECT l. ClickHouse tables in memory are inverted — data is ingested as a column, meaning you’ve a large number of columns and a sizable set of rows. This database cannot maintain consistency and high availability at the same time. It could happen due to incorrect ClickHouse package installation. For example, if you take the list of largest IT companies by Forbes (2020) over half of them are using ClickHouse in some way. Become a ClickHouse expert with our free official ClickHouse training courses. , a commercial company co-founded by Aaron Katz, Alexey Milovidov (ClickHouse’s creator), and Yury Izarilevsky (ex-Google VP Engineering), with a focus on bringing ClickHouse to all types of companies via a managed version. The ACID properties, in totality, provide a mechanism to ensure the correctness and consistency of a database in a way such that each transaction is a group of operations that acts as a single unit, produces consistent results, acts in isolation from other operations, and updates that it makes are durably stored. As we noted, these features. HTTPS can be enabled as well with port. Title. Sources and sinks are defined in a configuration file named vector. com CAP Theorem, or Brewer’s Theorem, is a fundamental concept that helps in understanding the limitations and trade-offs faced by these distributed systems. It states something similar to the FLP impossibility — that you cannot have the correctness properties of consistency, availability, and partition tolerance all at once in an asynchronous distributed database. RDBMS workloads include online transaction processing (OLTP) and online analytical processing (OLAP). Note that the orientation of the curve is positive. 2023. Efficiency. 6; Kubernetes job for clickhouse-copier; Distributed table to cluster; Fetch Alter Table; Remote table function; rsync; DDLWorker. In order to understand (and prove) the CAP theorem, we first have to define the words consistent, available, and partition-tolerant. Suppose hypotetical situation when: there is RCE vulnerability in ClickHouse; the host has access to two networks: external network and internal company netwo. In this article, we will break down the CAP Theorem in an easy-to-understand manner, provide real-world examples, and offer tips on how to apply them in actual cases. If you need to install specific version of ClickHouse you have to install all packages with the same version: sudo apt-get install clickhouse-server=21. The CAP theorem states that a partition-tolerant replicated register cannot be both consistent and available. ACID consistency is about data integrity (data is consistent w. The HTTP interface is more limited than the native interface, but it has better language support. The two seem awfully. Store and manage time-stamped data. It implements some common and awesome things, such as: Autocompletion (work in progress) Syntax highlighting for the queries & data output (Pretty* formats) Multiquery & multiline modes by default - paste anything as much as you want!ClickHouse is a column based database system that allows you to solve analytics tasks. clickhouse-cli. It is designed to take advantage of modern CPU architectures (like SIMD) to achieve fast performance on columnar data. 1. From version 2. As time moves on, the understanding of this tradeoff continues to evolve. ) with clickhouse local, query the. The Cloud Native Landscape organizes all cloud native open source projects and proprietary products into categories, providing an overview of the current. Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance => pick 2. Verify the divergence theorem for vector field vecsF(x, y, z) = x + y + z, y, 2x − y and surface S given by the cylinder x2 + y2 = 1, 0 ≤ z ≤ 3 plus the circular top and bottom of the cylinder. /clickhouse client. The following list illustrates some stateful workload and their choice in terms of PACELC Theorem: DynamoDB: P+A (on network partitioning, chooses availability), E+L (else, latency) Cassandra: P+A, E+L. We have to port our script which calculates "Percent to total". xml argument: . ClickHouse General Information. Redis(host='localhost', port=6379,. 3. 5. And, that any database can only guarantee two of the three properties: Consistency. 6. We have examined several versions of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus in higher dimensions that relate the integral around an oriented boundary of a domain to a “derivative” of that entity on the oriented domain. Contribute to ClickHouse/ClickHouse development by creating an account on GitHub. Array basics. Very fast scans (see benchmarks below) that can be used for real-time queries. May 10, 2023 · One min read. Let’s discuss these three concepts in simple words: Consistency means that every read operation will result in getting the latest record. tbl. The snippet below is a payload example on the commit log topic. This framework supports two types of connectors: sinks (from Kafka to destination) and sources (from a source to Kafka). e. ClickHouse is blazing fast, but understanding ClickHouse and using it effectively is a journey. Lately added data structures and distance search functions (like L2Distance) as well as approximate nearest neighbor search indexes. ClickHouse cluster - 36 nodes with x3 replication factor. Apache Arrow. 2. As a quick reminder, CAP states that there's an implicit tradeoff between strong Consistency (Linearizability) and Availability in distributed systems, where availability is informally defined as being able to immediately handle reads and writes as long as. The wheel rotates in the clockwise (negative) direction, causing the coefficient of the curl to be negative. <Warning> Context: Effective user of the process (clickhouse) does not match the owner of the data (root). Being built on top of clickhouse-client, it provides additional features like custom type mapping, transaction support, and standard synchronous UPDATE and DELETE statements, etc. What is ‘read-write storage’? CAP specifically concerns itself with a theoretical construct called a register. This means that. It is also used in scaling and helps in. SETTINGS use_query_cache = 1. In these two queries: wikistat_top_projects is the name of the table that we’re going to use to save a materialized view,; wikistat_top_projects_mv is the name of the materialized view itself (the trigger),; we’ve used SummingMergeTree because we would like to have our hits value summarized for each date/project pair,; everything that comes after. 7. Kafka consumers - 106 Go consumers per each partition consume Cap'n Proto raw logs and extract/prepare needed 100+ ClickHouse fields. According to Theorem (PageIndex{1}), section 4. Update it, upload and update the images in readme and create a PR (export as png with 400% zoom and minify that with Compressor. To track where a distributed query was originally made from, look at system. We then examine in Section 3 how the CAP Theorem fits into the general framework of a trade-off between safety and liveness. Bitnami. Many of the guides in the ClickHouse documentation will have you examine the schema of a file (CSV, TSV, Parquet, etc. Harnessing the Power of ClickHouse Arrays – Part 3. Raft is a relatively new algorithm (2014), but it's. Most NoSQL databases sacrifice consistency to get better performance in other areas, which means you should only use this type of database for use cases where eventual consistency is acceptable. CAP定理就是用來探討這種情況下,系統在設計上必須做出的取捨。. ), kill -9, kill -STOP and kill -CONT, like Jepsen. Superset will show a query window panel. 04. The CAP theorem states that it is impossible for any distributed system to satisfy more than two properties. It’s an OLAP system after all, while there are many excellent key-value storage systems out there. Exercise 16. Use ClickHouse for web and application analytics, telecommunications, ad network, online games, IoT,. 17. initial_user, client_name, hostname(), query_id, query. They are good for large immutable data. Star. Unlike some databases, ClickHouse’s ALTER UPDATE statement is asynchronous by default. If you want to confirm the skipping index size, check the system. hasn't. Bitnami. /clickhouse server. 3. The article. Both concepts deal with the consistency of data, but they differ in what effects this has. Now we will create the second Materialized view that will be linked to our previous target table monthly_aggregated_data. , so that it can be easily used with. ClickHouse is capable of processing 100+ PBs of data with more than 100 billion records inserted every day. clickhouse client is a client application that is used to connect to ClickHouse from the command line. Enable SQL-driven access control and account management for at least one user account. This step defines the cascade. 2M 739 800 cores 160 cores 30. 9. Trademarks: This software listing is packaged by Bitnami. Enable SQL-driven access control and account management for the default user. This is transactional (ACID) if the inserted rows are packed and inserted as a single block (see Notes): The easiest way to update data in the ClickHouse table is to use ALTER…UPDATE statement. 2020. 5 2021-06-28 16:18:40. Wide column store. You can’t use intervals like 4 DAY 1 HOUR. 2023. 12. Moreover, it achieves high availability by sacrificing consistency (remember the CAP theorem for distributed systems), which makes it less suitable for systems where high read accuracy is needed. Learn more. By default, clickhouse-server listens for HTTP on port 8123 (this can be changed in the config). so I use "systemctl status clickhouse-server. CAP Theorem – also known as Brewer’s Theorem, after Eric Brewer, who developed it – is a computer science theory describing guarantees about how distributed database systems can operate. Description. Mongo does TTL quite well; Redis fully supports TTL; LevelDB has an add-on which supports TTL; MS Azure DocumentDB also has TTL support. Figure 5-10. Save your backup in case of disaster: cd /var/lib/clickhouse/. It could happen due to incorrect ClickHouse package installation. This transformer can be configured to run at various steps, allowing users to attribute latency to specific parts of a processing pipeline. The HTTP interface lets you use ClickHouse on any platform from any programming language in a form of REST API. Transactional (ACID) support Case 1: INSERT into one partition, of one table, of the MergeTree* family . ClickHouse at Analysys A10 2018. 2 concerns data storage, the SCV principle deals with data processing. About ClickHouse. Hi, there. This article provides an overview of the Azure database solutions described in Azure Architecture Center. 0 for IPv4. This way, we extract and store the necessary value at insertion time, thereby speeding up the lookup at query time. It represents an unbiased estimate of the variance of a random. It is impossible to achieve all three. Till several days ago (the last successful pipeline is May 7th, 2021) it was working fine. Regardless, these settings are typically hidden from end users. Clickhouse offers many great technical features. The three letters in CAP refer to three desirable properties of. From version 2. Reading from a Distributed table 20 Shard 1 Shard 2 Shard 3. Setup a directory for configurations storage. 2xlarge nodes, 8vCPUs and 32GB RAM each. Many larger organizations, or organizations that have very specific data needs, will have to face a tradeoff. Basically-Available: This guarantee favors availability over consistency as per the CAP theorem. 29 09:13:17. Yandex engineers continue to supply a majority of pull requests to ClickHouse itself. Company and culture. It uses the letters C for Consistency, A for Availability and P for Partition tolerance. CAP Theorem and CQRS trade-offs. The CAP theorem states that in the event of a network partition, either you can have consistency or availability but not both. We have shown that no other point on (AB) besides (P) can be on the circle. For example: ALTER USER my_user_name SETTINGS max_threads = 8; You can verify it worked by logging out of your client, logging back in, then use the getSetting function: SELECT getSetting('max_threads'); Edit this page. Product, Sales, PercenttoTotal P1, 100, 20% P2, 200, 40% P3, 150, 30% P4, 50, 10% The CAP theorem — also called Brewer’s theorem — states that only two out of these three guarantees can be maintained when the system is in a failure mode as indeed, no distributed system is safe from network failures and network partitioning must be tolerated, as for when it happens, it must be decided whether to ensure one of. For example, compare the standard SQL way to write filtered aggregates (which work fine in ClickHouse) with the shorthand syntax using the -If aggregate function combinator, which can be appended to any aggregate function: --standard SQL. 04. processes) ORDER BY elapsed DESC. ClickHouse is popular for logs and metrics analysis because of the real-time analytics capabilities provided. For e. CAP refers to Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance. Using just SQL. Document store. Explain CAP Theorem. All nodes are equal, which allows avoiding having single points of failure. OceanBase,完全自主研发的原生分布式数据库,连续 10 年稳定支撑双11,创新推出“三地五中心”城市级容灾新标准,一套引擎同时支持 TP 和 AP 的混合负载,具备数据强一致,高扩展,高可用,高性价比,高度兼容 Oracle/MySQL 等特性,已助力400+行业客户实现关键业务系统升级。Bifrost ---- 面向生产环境的 MySQL,MariaDB 同步到Redis,ClickHouse,Elasticsearch等服务的异构中间件. . Announcing ClickHouse Meetup in Amsterdam on November 15. clickhouse-copier 20. Another related development is the CAP theorem by Eric Brewer (2000). The CAP theorem might be the most misunderstood idea in computer science. An isomorphism between two groups G_1 G1 and G_2 G2 means (informally) that G_1 G1 and G_2 G2 are the same group, written in two different ways. xml argument: . It is 100-1000X faster than traditional approaches and this speed and efficiency has attracted customers. Materialized views that store data based on remote tables were also known as snapshots [5] (deprecated. See ClickHouse for log analytics for details using the Open Telemetry OTEL collector, Fluent Bit, or Vector. Any network partitions cannot bring the whole system crashing down. According to CAP Theorem, distributed systems should sacrifice between consistency, availability, and partition tolerance. ClickHouse provides a simple and intuitive way to write filtered aggregates. By Robert Hodges 17th November 2020. There's really not an awful lot of difference between the two, they have wildly different storage mechanisms but they each have their fairly similar benefits. For example, compare the standard SQL way to write filtered aggregates (which work fine in ClickHouse) with the shorthand syntax using the -If aggregate function combinator, which can be appended to any aggregate function: -. You are viewing 1,267 cards with a total of 4,079,801 stars and funding of $58B. Open a new Terminal, change directories to where your clickhouse binary is saved, and run the following command: . Paxos algorithm helps systems work in the. differential backups using clickhouse-backup; High CPU usage;. Running a query based on a part (sample) of data and getting an approximated result. I have a question regarding the fast_test_script. An unofficial command-line client for the ClickHouse DBMS. clickhouse-keeper-service installation. 54342 I use " sudo service clickhouse-server start" . The CAP Theorem first states that there are three core attributes to all distributed systems that exist: Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance. 1M 50 60 cores 6 cores •Minimum cores to catch up with the data source Flink usually requires 1 core 4 GB mem while ClickHouse-ETL uses 1 core 3 GB. Whenever the state of a business entity changes, a new event is appended to the list of events. Just through issuing SQL commands without inspecting the clickhouse client trace logs, it is also possible to validate if query cache is being used by checking the relevant system tables: clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT 1 SETTINGS use_query_cache=true; SELECT 1. There will be a response to any request (can be failure too). 19 08:04:10. In the clickhouse server docker container: $ cd etc/clickhouse-server. CAP theorem - Availability and Beyond: Understanding and Improving the Resilience of Distributed Systems on AWSIn this section, we introduce the two most prominent approaches: data models and CAP theorem classes. Azure Database solutions include both traditional relational database management system (RDBMS) and big data solutions. Each system covered in this paper can be categorised as either key-value store,. Model complexity vs. Possible values: 0 — Replicated*MergeTree -engine tables merge data parts at the replica. Shared memory is an architectural model in which nodes within the system use one shared memory resource. Wide column store. ACID consistency is about data integrity (data is consistent w. Cloud. ClickHouse considers an index for every granule (group of data) instead of every row, and that's where the sparse index term comes from. We were searching for a problem and found a difference in a. 7 clickhouse-client=21. CAP theorem. Both clients use the native format for their encoding to provide optimal performance and can communicate over the native ClickHouse protocol. A ∩ C = ∅. ClickHouse uses all available hardware to its full potential to process each query as fast as possible. Only a few NoSQL datastores are ACID-complaint. ClickHouse是一个用于联机分析 (OLAP)的列式数据库管理系统 (DBMS)。. [20]. 2023. ClickHouse Keeper also provides 4lw commands which are almost the same with Zookeeper. ) with clickhouse local, query the. On the contrary, there are many ways in which you can bend the CAP Theorem and get incredibly good availability out of the database. /clickhouse server. ClickHouse-ETL TBDWe released ClickHouse 22. Addressing availability, consistency, and performance entails a thoughtful understanding of the CAP theorem and its superset, the PACELC theorem. As a whole it is designed to be highly available and eventually consistent. 3. ClickHouse supports the store of vectors as an array column type (Array<Float32>), providing functions to compute the distance between a search vector and column values. 8. CAP Theorem, also known as Brewer’s Theorem, was later revised and altered through the work of Seth Gilbert and Nancy Lynch of MIT in 2002, plus many others since. The ClickHouse community today. Query id: a5a078c7-61e5-4036-a6f0. 4 GB RAM (per process) macOS 10. 1. In this case, proportionally less data is retrieved from the disk. When things go wrong, we must prioritize at most two distributed system features and trade-offs between them. 7 or newer. Changelog category (leave one): Bug Fix Changelog entry (a user-readable short description of the changes that goes to CHANGELOG. In this article, we will take a deep dive into the trade-offs of the CAP. The child process writes the copy of the dataset to a temporary RDB file. If a column is sparse (empty or contains mostly zeros),. 默认ClickHouse提供了一个 default 账号,这个账号有所有的权限,但是不能使用SQL驱动方式的访问权限和账户管理。default主要用在用户名还未设置的情况,比如从客户端登录或者执行分布式查询。在分布式查询中如果服务端或者集群没有指定用户名密码那默认的账户就会被使用。To modify it, open draw. According to Eric Brewer’s CAP theorem, one can only achieve two out of three database guarantees. xml file to add a new user, and I would like to remove the default user by this means too. 1. May 2023; Apr 2023; Mar 2023; Feb 2023; Jan 2023; 2022. os: Ubuntu 16. And, any database can only guarantee two of the three. ClickHouse Editor · Nov 12, 2018. The maximum size of the global thread pool is determined by the max_thread_pool_size setting, which defaults to 10,000. In group theory, two groups are said to be isomorphic if there exists a bijective homomorphism (also called an isomorphism) between them. 1. t. The theorem states that a distributed system can only provide two of these three properties. ClickHouse is an open-source, column-oriented OLAP database management system that allows users to generate analytical reports using SQL queries in real-time. For example, the first execution of query. By Robert Hodges 22nd November 2020. Moreover, it achieves high availability by sacrificing consistency (remember the CAP theorem for distributed systems), which makes it less suitable for systems where high read accuracy is needed. In general, the architecture of any shared nothing scale-out storage involves a collection of design choices and trade-offs that ultimately dictate the observable behavior of the. alexey-milovidov added question question-answered and removed unexpected. Developer of online analytical processing (OLAP) database management system designed for real-time analytics. The CAP theorem. It uses every hardware to its maximum potential to approach each query faster. 0. If you need to install specific version of ClickHouse you have to install all packages with the same version: sudo apt-get install clickhouse-server=21. English. Availability: Guarantees whether every request is successful in failed. Therefore hypotenuse (OQ) is larger than leg (OP). Spelling correction. Whenever a query or an update addresses an ordinary view's virtual table, the DBMS converts these into queries or updates. The CAP theorem, also known as Brewer's theorem, is a fundamental concept in distributed computing that applies to NoSQL databases. Another solution that we explored was the naive way to copy data with clickhouse-copier. Parallel processing for single query (utilizing multiple cores) Distributed processing on multiple servers. The CAP theorem asserts that any networked shared-data system can have only two of three desirable properties (Consistency, Availability and Partition Tolerance). If you are using self-managed ClickHouse, the connection details are set by your ClickHouse administrator. Conclusion. Consistency, Availability and Partition tolerance are the the three properties considered in the CAP theorem. Sometimes ClickHouse also tracks memory. clickhouse_sinker retry other replicas on writing failures. In any database management system following the relational model, a is a virtual representing the result of a query. According to the theory, a distributed system cannot always ensure consistency, availability, and partition tolerance. When n <= 1, returns +∞. In the second article on ClickHouse arrays, we explored how ClickHouse arrays are tightly coupled with GROUP BY expressions. According to the StackShare community, MongoDB has a broader approval, being mentioned in 2175 company stacks & 2143. Start the Clickhouse server if it isn't already running: . However, some big data experts have proposed replacing the CAP theorem with the PIE (platform flexibility, infinite scale, and efficiency) theorem as a better reflection of the trade-offs modern system architects must make. Brewer postulated that it is impossible to guarantee these three properties for a distributed system at the same time, and the system can obtain two of them at maximum. In other words, the change in arc length can be viewed as a change in the t -domain, scaled by the magnitude of vector ⇀ r′ (t). Open the clickhouse server docker container. Barriers to the greater adoption of NoSQL stores include the use of low-level query languages. JDBC Driver . ALTER TABLE table UPDATE col1 = 'Hi' WHERE col2 = 2. The documentation is your source for gaining the knowledge you need to be successful with your ClickHouse projects. In which there are limits to the CAP conjecture. When you submit a pull request, some automated checks are ran for your code by the ClickHouse continuous integration (CI) system . Sometimes you just expect insert idempotency on row level. The Merge Conflict podcast talks about FOSS and . The official ClickHouse Connect Python driver uses HTTP protocol for communication with the ClickHouse server. The CAP theorem, originally introduced as the CAP principle, can be used to explain some of the competing requirements in a distributed system with replication. We begin in Section 2 by reviewing the CAP Theorem, as it was formalized in [16]. 8. My docker compose file looks like this: version: '3' services: vector: container_name: vector1 image:. 1: Stokes’ theorem relates the flux integral over the surface to a line integral around the boundary of the surface. 8. Try different compiler options (loop unrolling, inline threshold). What is a NoSQL database? NoSQL, also referred to as “not only SQL”, “non-SQL”, is an approach to database design that enables the storage and querying of data outside the traditional structures found in relational databases. Modigliani and Miller's theory can be used to describe how firms use taxation to manipulate profitability and. 08K GitHub forks. Deliver log data to the ClickHouse databaseClickHouse is the fastest and most resource efficient open-source database for real-time apps and analytics with full SQL support and a wide range of functions to assist users in writing analytical queries. Replication and the. Such DBMS's store records in blocks, grouped by columns rather than rows. – charles-allen. HTTPS can be enabled as well with port. ClickHouse tenants support CPU priorities. Before you start crying ‘yes, but what about…’, make sure you understand the following about exactly what the CAP theorem does and does not allow. dbt handles materializing these select statements into objects in the database in the form of tables and views - performing the T of Extract Load and Transform (ELT). When there is a difference between the same key. Yearly aggregated table and materialized view. gz; Algorithm Hash digest; SHA256: 82480b01e754b731afff83fe0f9e8cd8f6f961e732ab2558a74e924fadac8dd6: Copy : MD5Docker. 2604,1549 5,2604. Thanks! This is my second question on Clickhouse. Part of that discussion focused on consistency as the. clickhouse client is a client application that is used to connect to ClickHouse from the command line. Background; Architecture Diagram; Analysis of Core Flow Chart用法 . If A ⊆ B A ⊆ B and B ∩ C = ∅, B ∩ C = ∅, then A ∩ C = ∅. Many NoSQL stores compromise consistency (in the sense of the CAP theorem) in favor of availability. 7 clickhouse-common-static=21. Both OK, use the first if you don’t need clickhouse server locally. We have focused this post on using OpenTelemetry to collect trace data for storage in ClickHouse. Broken starting clickhouse in a docker because of wrong capabilities request. This configuration file use-keeper. Any discussion of a distributed database architecture should touch on the CAP Theorem. This query will update col1 on the table table using a given filter. displayText() = DB::Exception:. Note that clickhouse-go also supports the Go database/sql interface standard. Postgres and MySQL are very similar, but Mongo has differences in terms of storage type and the CAP theorem. It is called the PREWHERE step in the query processing. 022720 [ 1 ] {} <Information> Application: It looks like the process has no CAP_IPC_LOCK capability, binary mlock will be disabled. Almost every distributed database honors the CAP theorem nowadays: the oft-repeated notion that a distributed data store must honor the tradeoff between data consistency, availability, and partition tolerance. 19 08:04:10. 3 Apply the divergence theorem to an electrostatic field. To address these limitations, Turing-award winning Paxos Protocol was introduced to maximize the efficiency of availability and consistency in such systems. Share. So you can insert 100K rows per second but only with one big bulk INSERT statement. You could resolve the problem man. Answer. 2 CAP Theorem Definitions CAP was originally presented in the form of “consis-tency, availability, partition tolerance: pick any two” The CAP theorem encourages engineers to make awful decisions. The below table summarizes where each DB with a different set of configurations sits on the CAP theorem. Their speed and limited data size make them ideal for fast operations. A slightly shorter version of this paper. In this IEEE article, author Eric. Edit this page. Query should not be short, because otherwise it measures nothing. Redis forks a child process from the parent process. When you send hundreds / thousands insert statements per second to. Looks like we've got the clickhouse user set up in the security context,. relations and constraints after every transaction). Clickhouse is tailored to the high. CPU and disk load on the replica server decreases, but the network load on the cluster increases. 10. 7.